Thursday, 27 March 2008

Where Many Nerds Have Gone Many Times Before.

I am not a nerd.

Well. Okay, I am--but I am not this dude. I have seen my fair share of science fiction and anime, played my share of World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy, and I even read half of a Star Wars novel once. But I have never been down on discussing warp core coolants or how LaForge's visor thing works--I'm still not. I don't care.

That being said, I still know enough about Star Trek to get by with the lower level nerds. When I was growing up I would watch Next Generation episodes with my grandfather after school, so I became familiar with Jean-Luc Picard, Lieutenant-Commander Data, transporters, phasers on stun, and that lanky nerd kid that I never liked. I knew that the series started in the 60s and that my father would watch it in college, I knew that Deep Space Nine was boring, and I knew that Wrath of Khan was better than that one with Spock's brother and that God alien at the center of whatever. Really, the only thing I couldn't figure out was why two generations of hardened construction workers like my grandfather and father enjoyed something as relentlessly nerdy as Star Trek.

Still, despite my familiarity, I've never been able to fully immerse myself into the Star Trek universe. That's where this blog comes in. Starting from now, I will be watching every episode of every Star Trek series in order and writing about every episode here. It's going to be long, it's going to be hard, and, most of all, it's going to be pointless. I'll try the best as I can to give an outsider's opinion on each episode, and point out some of the weirder things that have come out of Star Trek. Like this:

or this:
What the hell are these things? What purpose could that goddamn horn possibly serve? In any case, after 347 episodes when I'm halfway through Season 4 of Deep Space Nine, this shit will probably seem normal. Also, I can't promise that I won't be able to tell you how fast a proton torpedo can go through a worm hole at that point; by then I very well may be in line to get René Auberjonois's autograph for the third time.

So hopefully after roughly 528 hours of TV show, eleven feature length films, and twenty-two animated episodes I will be able to look myself in the mirror. Jesus Christ, how do you nerds to this?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw yay! I can't wait :)
And I refuse to watch them all with you. I simply won't do it. So don't even ask.